Thursday, December 27, 2007

Busy Bee

...or a social butterfly? Suddenly I'm everywhere. Yet I have work to do--the NCW project via Womens' Studies as well as reading up on the courses. This sem should be better--marks as well as interesting (actually the two depend on one another); not in terms of core courses though. My optionals are Queer Studies and Sports Lit. There were other courses like American Lit 20th c (Ginsberg, Plath), Sci-Fi (Ursula Leguin), Special Author: TS Eliot, etc.
On a brighter note, cousins seem like fun. It's so rarely that we meet now. Should be able to meet at Princeton next; Glass Onion's playing and the whole city's gonna be there. But Dibbo's cat's operation is scheduled the next day. Anyway, it'll all be okay, I'm sure.
Now I have party to go to--a farewell of sorts at Parni's. We rarely talk/meet these days but hell, I'm gonna miss her so badly. :(
What should I wear? Should get a move on now.

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