Add to this two more beautiful puppies in my para. Both white with brown patches, looking a little like Saint Bernard puppies. One girl and one boy. It would be great if someone could take them both, cause they play together and such.
why don't you keep the pups in your para? you can feed them and such...i can vaccinate dogs/cats so that won't be a problem, and i know a place where they sterilise dogs...what say?
Add to this two more beautiful puppies in my para. Both white with brown patches, looking a little like Saint Bernard puppies. One girl and one boy. It would be great if someone could take them both, cause they play together and such.
why don't you keep the pups in your para? you can feed them and such...i can vaccinate dogs/cats so that won't be a problem, and i know a place where they sterilise dogs...what say?
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