Got this from Monideepa's blog...the unattainable men in my life...well, where do I begin :)
Rh***: i was five and he was er, thirteen, i think
the last time i saw him i was strange quirk of fate, he happened to be a neighbour of my then best friend from school...though i was most definitely in love with someone else at that time, i blushed, giggled, looked at him and looked away, &c (all those silly things which make you blush when you're older and wise) with my heart thumping loudly all the while
Alladdin: oh man! Brad Kane's voice added to the flawless animated smile... (and don't you dare laugh at me because i fell for an animated character)
(i'll skip a bit now, since the men in the intervening years hadn't affected me that much)
Edward Fairfax Rochester: stuff of dreams...the smell of his cigar smoke in the prelapsarian gardens of Thornfield Hall...those were the days
Marguerite Gautier (and why not?): yes a woman i loveeeed...i saw her through the eyes of Armand Duval...her skin the tint of an untouched peach, her dark eyes and hair, her tuberculosis--a beautiful tragic prostitute who was irresistible to my then unformed mushy sensibilities
Allan Donald: don't ask me why...just
Laurrie: i was so mad at Jo for jilting him...the eternal boy...the slightly more real-ish Peter Pan...the boy of my dreams (yummy!)
Leonardo Di Caprio: the Titanic back lash... and it's no surprise...apparently he was the most searched after thingy in those early days of the internet
Fitzwilliam Darcy: the handsome rich grumpy frog prince! how he transformed and how i wished that the proposal scene in the novel would be a bit more exuberant, explicit *sigh*
Prince William: not really, but because i adored his mother (and day-dreamt of becoming a princess)
Rhett Butler: now we come to the rake...the older, experienced, unscrupulous man who seems to know it all...he's so annoying and so sexy!
Amito: from shesher kobita...he shall always, always be the prototype of my dream man...the smooth-talker, the quoter of poems, the carelessly brilliant poet, the casual inflicter of soo much hurt... i will always run after such men, be embarrassed by the lack of my brilliance as compared to theirs and die humiliated and broken-hearted
Michael (Al Pacino): need i say more? the silent, handsome, inscrutable man
Bill Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes): ooh! he looked so delicious...imagine a man who really wrote those lines and made those sonnets up for you!!!
Gael Garcia Bernal: just go over the archives to see what i mean...i might have said Che...but though Che is undoubtedly one of the best looking and most attractive (a rebel, dudes!) men ever, i don't think he could have been as vulnerable and adorable as Gael in Diarios de Motocicleta...especially during the asthma attack...
Woody Allen: and lastly, the neurotic...i've always been attracted towards and wanted to emulate neurotic women...Virginia Woolf , Sylvia Plath and that pre-gothic gothic chic in 8 1/2...
the unattractive, bespectacled, neurotic man who boasts about his sexual prowess seems farthest from anyone's dreams...but i so wish my life was a Woody Allen film
and now i'd like to see some men do this tag...ok, you might all pretend to be sports loving sweaty hunks who stick out their tongues at mush, but puh-leez...go on do the tag
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I thought Shah Rukh Khan and Shiney Ahuja would be on this list too.
only gael garcia bernal makes another appearance after two years.
Laurrie ar Jo jeno kara? Tui amaye bolechilish, kintu ami bhule gechi.
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