Beloved Dr R
That was an overcast summer afternoon too. The grayish sky was tantalizing with its unreleased promise. It was sultry. The rooks were cawing in the orchard. Their voices in the thick air created a curiously drowsy effect. Our heroine was sitting at a corner of the shady bower, bright-eyed and wide awake. Her light summer dress of white muslin was rippling in the cool breeze of the coming norwester. She lifted her head and sniffed the wet monsoon air. A dolphin suddenly leapt up from the river beside her spraying her with the sun-warmed water. It filled her with a sense of pleasant anticipation. She folded the letter on her lap. Leaning on the oak trunk she inhaled the fragrance of the blooming kamini flowers, deeply. She then, started writing the letter. Her dot pen moved smoothly over the sheet of blue inland letter: “Beloved Dr R”.
I am assuming the Beloved Dr. R at the top is part of the story and not the title. A little Borges-ish, from the very very little I have read of him. Postmodern playing with the form of writing.
whut crap! i was trying to write something nonsensical a la Orlando...but it didn't become that (funny) but just is 'nonsense'...but i Like it...Beloved Dr R is the title...and the inspiration of this piece-o'-shit...i Have a doc file titled belovedrr on, well, Beloved, which i named in a hurry :p
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