Sunday, January 06, 2008

my life sucks...speakers not working, so no music or movies...cousins and niece-nephew are friends...i intend to party very hard beginning now but when i'm ready no body else is...i've got this immense workload...and i soon have to take decisions about french, latin, GRE...maybe i need an addiction to keep me away from the craziness and business..see? my life sucks more than yours, ok?

PS: this shop i went to refused to pierce my ears on very flimsy grounds...can somebody please help with suggestions? i'm seriously interested in self mutilation (and shaving all my hair)


Bone said...

what be these "flimsy grounds"? and i can do piercings. free of cost :D

Madhura said...

that the woman could FEEL a nerve where i was asking her pierce and that that bit of my ear is too narrow for it to look nice, etc, etc.